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SkyBar Somerville, MA - 2 Justice Parties for All

Started by steve944, June 27, 2007, 08:58 AM NHFT

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My friends and roomates were unjustly beaten among other forms of humiliation, including sexual harassment (i.e. physical touching, verbal gender identity harassment, and verbal harassment in general), by the Somerville, MA Police Department.

They are a same sex female couple by the names of Beck and Kat, and I live with them. They are very special people to me, and I care for them dearly. Many I know also care about them a great deal. Your support is needed at SkyBar in Somerville, MA on Monday July 9th, and Tuesday July 10th for two 21+ nights.

If you look at my MySpace Top Friends list, they are Kat & the Kat's Meow (a.ka. Beck). Please send them messages to show your support and empathy. I have seen the hope leave them within their daily lives as the legal problems mount, and the feelings of stress and panic have emotionally and mentally paralyzed them as a slow torture. I have done all I can to help as well, and share in their feelings. They need a light, and it sorrows me a great deal more than I could ever express with words that I cannot give them that light in the dark tunnel they are trapped in alone. Let us know you'll be at SkyBar in Somerville, MA on Monday July 9th, and Tuesday July 10th for two 21+ nights, and that none of us are ever truly alone.

If you know anyone who has been victimized because of their sexual orientation, or have been victimized yourself then please help in all regards by coming to SkyBar for not one, but two nights of charity functions at SkyBar in Somerville, MA on Monday July 9th, and Tuesday July 10th for two 21+ nights that promise to be very eventful and fun for everyone. There will be amazing bands, dancers, and other great experiences offered at SkyBar in Somerville, MA on Monday July 9th, and Tuesday July 10th for two 21+ nights.

The enjoyment experienced will be well worth it, and in the process you can contribute to those who have experienced injustice by the very people that are supposed to deliver it properly and have violated the public trust invested within them, and that means the trust of us all. Please take this stand by coming to SkyBar in Somerville, MA on Monday July 9th, and Tuesday July 10th for two 21+ nights.

Ironically, the very person, Anderson Mars, I asked for help who has a wonderful acumen in regards to having a charitable heart is the victim of red tape by the Somerville, MA city government.

Anderson Mars is a key promoter of many events, and is committed to charity and justice all around for everyone. She will lose this key venue to exercise this valuable service that benefits us all. As many of you know venues are being lost to red tape and other problems, and we are running out of places to go as a community. This problem affects us all. Please insure that events can continue by coming to SkyBar in Somerville, MA on Monday July 9th, and Tuesday July 10th for two 21+ nights, and that people like Anderson Mars can continue to assist all of us in the many causes sponsored by her and SkyBar in Somerville, MA.

SkyBar in Somerville, MA will be closed on July 15th because the Somerville, MA city government raised the fire code standards so high, and unnecessarily for this venue, that they cannot sustain the building being open. It is important to realize the reason is because of the disaster in Rhode Island by Derderian who was grossly negligent in safety standards, and well common sense, during a performance by the band Great White.

However Anderson Mars is interested in cooperating, and having the improvements made regardless because of her high level of character. Anderson Mars has done her best to make arrangements along with all those that run SkyBar. The owner himself would lose his home if he were to go further with this. All leads for help have come up dry.

As a result SkyBar in Somerville, MA will be closed on July 15th if money cannot be raised to install new fire prevention equipment that is not necessary for the venue or the functions that are provided, but by the red tape of the Somerville, MA city government. If it was necessary the investment would have been made a long time ago because of the high level of character clearly shown on a regular basis by people like Anderson Mars, and of the good people that run and promote the events at SkyBar in Somerville, MA without hesitation. This requirement was delivered to them with very little notice, and as such they have had no time to gather the resources to address the requirement. Because of this lack of consideration by the Somerville, MA city government they will not be able to keep SkyBar open long enough to gather together anything necessary to stay open, unless they have help. SkyBar in Somerville, MA is a long loved venue by many I know, and many I don't. In fact there were two very nice women from Ohio there, and talking with them was a wonderul experience.

Please take a stand against red tape at SkyBar in Somerville, MA on Monday July 9th, and Tuesday July 10th for two 21+ nights.

The reason the codes were changed is because of Derderian in Rhode Island, who's gross negligence lead to a fire that victimized the health and welfare of many people during a performance by the band Great White. Many of you are likely familiar with this event and may know others that were affected. My roomate Beck was also almost a victim, and was fortunate by mere blind luck because she was late to the show, and this terrible accident had already occurred. Beck unfortunately knows a number of victims of this disaster perpetrated by Derderian who is clearly a man of low character and clearly a wreckless man at that.

The effects of Derderian's gross negligence are still being felt by the victims who survived the tragedy, and indirectly through problems such as red tape when it isn't necessary.

Anderson Mars clearly demonstrates her high regard for others and obviously a high level of character on a daily basis.

Anderson Mars also needs your support, so please send her messages as well. She is also in my Top Friends List, and is truly a friend to us all.

Please take a stand against those that are truly foolish and make life unnecessarily difficult for us all at SkyBar in Somerville, MA on Monday July 9th, and Tuesday July 10th for two 21+ nights.

SkyBar in Somerville, MA will be open for these events on Monday July 9th and Tuesday July 10th for two 21+ nights. Tell your friends, tell your family, tell the Pope, and just plain tell everyone to be at SkyBar in Somerville, MA on Monday July 9th, and Tuesday July 10th for two 21+ nights.

Give people a ride if they need it, give them T fare, car pool, come in buses, and please show your personal support too. If work is a problem maybe even consider calling in sick the next day if you can get away with it because without your support Beck and Kat will go to a prison even worse than the one they are in emotionally, and may never recover due to unjustly being brought to such a low point, and people like Anderson Mars will lose the ability to work the wonders that have benefitted so many through SkyBar in Somerville, MA. So please be at SkyBar in Somerville, MA on Monday July 9th, and Tuesday July 10th for two 21+ nights.

We can turn these wrongs into rights, and stand up for the rights of us all, with your support by partying like never before, and for a great cause. We are asking for help, but we are also insuring all will have a good time giving their help. We are not able to do this without you so please be at SkyBar in Somerville, MA on Monday July 9th, and Tuesday July 10th for two 21+ nights. These will be nights to remember forever.

Thank you all for your support and your stand against injustice in all its forms in advance, we will see you at SkyBar in Somerville, MA on Monday July 9th, and Tuesday July 10th for two 21+ nights.

Please help, and show your support. Time is running out for us all.

Thank you all so much, and we look forward to seeing you at SkyBar in Somerville, MA on Monday July 9th, and Tuesday July 10th for two 21+ nights.


Steve (a.k.a. SophistiGoth, on MySpace)

Note: Cover is $10.00, and additional donations are most appreciated.


Quote from: mvpel on Today at 12:33 PM
I think many people will want more specific information for such grave accusations against a police department.

Under the advice of their attorney more information is not allowed at this time; however the first hearing went very well, and in the favor of my roommates significantly.  Regardless, their continued representation is necessary for this matter to be completely closed for everyone, and those that have abused their authority to be held correctly accountable for their actions.




Quote from: error on July 06, 2007, 07:20 PM NHFT
And you can't even say WHO they are?

?  Did you read the whole post?

They are my roommates Beck and Kat, and they are both female.  They are a couple as well.

Here's the link to this entry right here:


I know it is a long post, and the official release is more succinct.  Here's a copy of it:

(For further information, contact Anderson Mar at

SkyBar in Somerville, MA Hosts 2 Justice Parties for All in July


A same sex female couple were unjustly beaten among other forms of humiliation, including sexual, by the Somerville, MA Police Department.

Your support is needed at SkyBar in Somerville, MA on Monday July 9th, and Tuesday July 10th for two 21+ nights to raise money for a legal defense fund for these young ladies.

Monday, July 9th - live bands including Angel Disease, Happy the Clown, and possibly Incus will be the order of the night. Admission $10, doors @ 8PM.

Tuesday, July 10th - for the first time in its history, the Skybar transforms into an alternative dance club, with goth, EBM, and techno beats pulsating. Bring your dancing shoes and get down to tunes spun by DJ Pet. Doors @ 8, $10 cover.

All proceeds go to the legal defense fund of the same sex couple.

The SkyBar, 518 Somerville Avenue, in Somerville, MA on Monday July 9th, and Tuesday July 10th for two 21+ nights.


For further information, contact Anderson Mar at:



Quote from: wholetthedogin? on July 07, 2007, 02:49 AM NHFT
There are long list of bar nightclub closings not limited but to include Guido Murphy's on HB (sale---not allowed to reopen until sprinklered), Palms on HB similar fire code issues, Samantha's in Salem(sprinklers required)....

You seem to be talking about one event involving police wrong doing and then mixing it up with something totally irrelevant---unless the arrests ocurred in the proximity of the Skybar----to health safety issues which now affect every restarauteur and clubowner in RI, MA & NH where occupancies are greater than 100 patrons....

Originally the goal was also to save the bar; however the Promoter Anderson and the Ownership of SkyBar have decided not to go forward.  Obviously the concerns regarding that are not completely unwarranted, but knowing the venue as I do (including infrastructure and some knowledge of the older codes in the area) leading me to believe the conerns for that venue are unwarranted even after the Derderian incident.  That goal is no longer part of this venture.

The ownership, and the promoter, Anderson, that work out of SkyBar have decided that this is more important.  Notedly, saving the bar would have been worthwhile because of the service they provide to the community, and that which they have provided not only to this matter, but to many causes in the past.  For more information please E-mail Anderson at Othniel77@yahoo.com

Again, Anderson Mar's E-mail is: Othniel77@yahoo.com

Recently Beck herself did an edit to the release, so here it is:

SkyBar Somerville, MA - 2 Justice Parties for All

A same sex female couple were unjustly attacked, needlessly beaten, & sexually harrassed by members of the Somerville Police Department.

Your support is needed at SkyBar in Somerville, MA on Monday July 9th, and Tuesday July 10th for two 21+ nights to raise money for a legal defense fund for these young ladies.

Monday, July 9th - live bands including Angel Disease, Happy the Clown, and possibly Incus will be the order of the night. Admission $10, doors @ 8PM.

Tuesday, July 10th - for the first time in its history, the Skybar transforms into an alternative dance club, with goth, EBM, and techno beats pulsating. Bring your dancing shoes and get down to tunes spun by DJ Pet. Doors @ 8, $10 cover.

All proceeds go to the legal defense fund of the same sex couple.

The SkyBar, 518 Somerville Avenue, in Somerville, MA on Monday July 9th, and Tuesday July 10th for two 21+ nights.


It was a pretty good show last night. I did get to meet Kat and Beck, and hear a bit of the story. They can't tell everything until the case is over; but basically their car broke down, some old guy called the cops because one of them was being loud while trying to fix it, the cops showed up, and instead of defusing the situation they antagonized it, some unpleasant words were exchanged, and the two women were pepper-sprayed and dragged away to jail.

The Sky Bar is a really nice venue; and it's sad to hear the government is forcing it to close. They're going to reorganize as a restaurant tho (which apparently has more lax fire codes). I certainly didn't think there was a fire risk (multiple, large, well-marked exits; no hanging anything; not much to catch on fire).

Show tonight should be pretty good as well, if you're into techno. So show up!