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I'm back -

Started by SpeedPhreak, July 05, 2007, 01:09 PM NHFT

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I was released on 6/27

I am posting now because I may not be posting - or even reading in the near future... I meet w/my probation tomorrow & 1 of the stipulations is I am not allowed to use a computer w/out monitoring software (of course I get to pay for that "service")... but since she scheduled the meeting for a week later & I need to look for a job I have to use the computer now & thought I would say hi.

I also get to wear a GPS monitoring device & I don't get to see my daughter until august at the earliest... so I will miss (at "best") 5 months of my daughter growing up... I can't even talk to her on the phone.

My lawyer told me to "tell them what they want to hear" at my sentencing - so I did & it didn't seem to help - I should have told them what I really think.

I don't get to keep my business at the flea market or any other retail location because of the possiblility of contact w/customers under 18.

so... how are you all?

Dave Ridley

i dont' know anything about your case off teh top of my head but assuming u haven't done anything evil....

welcome back!



Welcome back. So since you're out, I assume you were sentenced to probation?

I'm still curious, though -- how old was she, and what were the alleged acts?

