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Creating Public Myth: The 9/11 Commission Report

Started by jaqeboy, June 25, 2007, 07:32 AM NHFT

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Dr. Thomas Hansen, a retired mathematics education researcher, author, and teacher, now living in Charlottesville, Virginia, will speak in Portsmouth on Tuesday, July 10, at 7 pm, about some of the unanswered questions of the events of 9/11.

The title of his talk is "Creating Public Myth: The 9/11 Commission Report." Dr. Hansen has researched the events of 9/11 and has had a conversation with Philip Zelikow, the Executive Director of the 9/11 Commission. The talk, which is free and open to the public, will take place in the Levensen Room of the Portsmouth Public Library, 175 Parrott Ave. in Portsmouth.

During Dr. Hansen's conversation with Dr. Philip Zelikow, the Executive Director of the 9/11 Commission, Dr. Zelikow told him that he and his staff made a conscious decision not to dignify "outrageous conspiracy theories" about 9/11 by investigating them or reporting on them. In published academic articles, Philip Zelikow describes his own area of academic expertise as "creating pubic myth."

According to Dr. Hansen, the 9/11 Commission Report has become a "public myth" itself, which has left out or distorted important facts that do not fit the official story of what happened on 9/11.

Full details at http://9-11.meetup.com/307/calendar/5832078/


This looks really important--I hope to be there. Creating public myth? Looks like they did a stand-up job with their 9/11 Omission Report!


There was a suggestion we meet at Murphy's for the carpool over to this talk - they just don't have much parking, tho. We could join the Taproom Tuesdays on the return if it's not too late. Just an idea.


I have to admit that I've been very dismissive of the 9/11 conspiracy theories in the past. At one point at Porcfest, I even just walked away while someone was presenting his theories. I'm trying to be more open-minded. I have seen some things that may not have swayed me toward any particular conspiracy theory but still have produced a lot of questions and doubts about the story we've been told. Unfortunately I won't be up there in time for this, but I'll try to attend others when I get a chance.


Yeah, I think people that "have the answer" are probably stretching it. Most of the groups have "questions" and would like to see the investigation re-opened to get better answers. The questionable areas are over-whelming....


OK, hearing no other objections... If you don't like this plan, you are now the volunteer to organize the next expedition!

Meet at Murphy's Tap Room
494 Elm Street

Meet at 5:30 PM
leave at 5:45 PM

Destination: Portsmouth Public Library
Mtg time: 7:00 PM
to hear: Talk on "Creating Public Myth: The 9/11 Commission Report"
            Dr. Thomas Hansen

Return to Murphy's afterwards (unknown time) to join Taproom Tuesdays crowd in progress.

During Dr. Hansen's conversation with Dr. Philip Zelikow, the Executive Director of the 9/11 Commission, Dr. Zelikow told him that he and his staff made a conscious decision not to dignify "outrageous conspiracy theories" about 9/11 by investigating them or reporting on them. In published academic articles, Philip Zelikow describes his own area of academic expertise as "creating pubic myth."

According to Dr. Hansen, the 9/11 Commission Report has become a "public myth" itself, which has left out or distorted important facts that do not fit the official story of what happened on 9/11.

Final details to be found at http://merrimackvalley911truth.org

Russell Kanning

I have outrageous conspiracy theories about 9/11 .... beware next time you see me at an altexpo event :)


Quote from: Russell Kanning on July 06, 2007, 02:06 PM NHFT
I have outrageous conspiracy theories about 9/11 .... beware next time you see me at an altexpo event :)

I'm waaaay beyond outrage - let's compare theories!!

Russell Kanning

and at altexpos ... we even have positive steps you can take to correct the abuses. :)


TODAY'S the day!

Meet at Murphy's at 5:30 PM
leave at 5:45 PM

Destination: Portsmouth Public Library. Levenson Room
Mtg time: 7:00 PM
to hear: Dr. Thomas Hansen talk: "Creating Public Myth: The 9/11 Commission Report"
Return to Murphy's afterwards (unknown time) to join Taproom Tuesdays crowd in progress.

According to Dr. Hansen, the 9/11 Commission Report has become a "public myth" itself, which has left out or distorted important facts that do not fit the official story of what happened on 9/11.

Final details to be found at http://merrimackvalley911truth.org


I'm sorry that I had to miss something else because of work...again  :-\
How did it go?


More than 75 people from all backgrounds and opinions visited the library Tuesday to hear a speech delivered by Thomas Hansen called "Creating Public Myth: The 9/11 Commission Report."

From Foster's article: http://www.fosters.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20070716/FOSTERS01/107140393&SearchID=73287336925642

It was a good event. I talked to the organizers to find out how they pull off successful, well-attended events like this, so got some tips.


Peggy Brewster, one of the organizers reports as follows:

From Peggy Brewster brewstout@roadrunner.com
Creating Public Myth: The 9/11 Commission Report

Dr. Thomas Hansen, a retired mathematics education researcher, author,
and teacher, now living in Charlottesville, Virginia, spoke at the
Portsmouth Public Library on Tuesday, July 10, about some of the
unanswered questions of the events of 9/11. The title of his talk was
"Creating Public Myth: The 9/11 Commission Report."

Dr. Hansen returns to old familiar territory in NH to do his part in
opening dialogue and discussion with people about the events, and
reasons behind them, of Sept 11. According to Dr. Hansen, the 9/11
Commission Report has become a "public myth" itself, which has left
out or distorted important facts that do not fit the official story of
what happened on 9/11. He uses his own original music to help cover
this uncomfortable subject. There were free CDs of his music for
everyone available on the table.

Dr. Hansen started out reading 2006 polls about people who are
starting to doubt and question the official story. The amount of
people questioning is no longer the "fringe" but is now the mainstream
American people. His music has been ecology and peace subjects in the
past and admits having (9/11 as a new subject was a challenge for his
song writing. His first song was called "Those Lucky Terrorists."
This was about the numerous war games that happened on 9/11
simultaneously to the attacks. After Dr. Hansen sings a song, he goes
on to talk about the subject of the song and lead a discussion with
the audience.

He then went into the talk he had with Dr. Philip Zelikow who was head
of the 9/11 Commission. Zelikow was the supervisor, and ultimately
controller according to those on the commission, of 8 out of 9
committees; on National Security Council of George HW Bush; and worked
extensively with Condoleeza Rice who had him write the 2002 Security
Strategy draft. He said that the families of 9/11 victims asked that
Zelikow be removed from the Commission, which was not honored. During
Dr. Hansen's conversation with Dr. Zelikow, Dr. Zelikow told him that
he and his staff made a conscious decision not to dignify "outrageous
conspiracy theories" about 9/11 by investigating them or reporting on
them. In published academic articles, Philip Zelikow describes his own
area of academic expertise as "creating public myth."

Dr. Hansen also talked with Sibel Edmonds whose testimony to the
Commission as a key translator was not included in the Report. Dr.
Hansen went on to sing his next song, "50 Miles Out", which was about
Norman Minetta, Cheney and the plane heading toward them that Cheney
repeatedly told to stand down on. This song brought out a lively
discussion of what people think happened to the pentagon and in PA.

A man stood up to discount everyone's theories and questions saying he
was at both Shanksville, PA and then Tora Bora. He told of being in PA
as an emergency medical person when they found two pieces of skin with
razor marks on it, showing that a great fight had happened on the
plane before it crashed, yet also said the plane had completely burned
up. It appeared he wanted to take over the conversation and put down
people's questions to him, when he decided to walk out. He was invited
to stay, which he did for a short while. Another man who was in Wash.
DC pointed out the errors to him.

Tom brought the room back together by singing another song called
"Explosions" at the WTC. This was based on 500 oral histories from
people that were there day, including firemen, emergency medical
personnel and others. Dr. Hansen named James Woolsey as the "higher
up" that would not let firemen and EMTs talk about the explosions they
saw and heard in the buildings. He also talked about the columns of
the WTC being cut at an angle at short lengths and showed some photos
of it; and the NIST explanation being formed to fit the official
story. Which tied into another song called "Hollow Stories."

This segued into the next song "Building 7", with the following talk
about the demolition and explosions heard before the two WTC towers
came down. Also mention was that building 7 was left completely out of
the Commission report altogether.

The last song of the night was "False Flag." This was about the
operations the military and government do to either distract or to
persuade the American people that their plans for war and national
security restrictions are for our own good. It was the end of our time
at the library - too soon for the packed room eager to discuss this
further. Quite a few of us headed to a coffee shop to continue
talking. All in all, it was a great night and an inspiration to
continue in our search for the truth of what really happened that day.

Hiding 9/11, original Songs by Thomas Hansen, Ph. D.

To get on the announcement list for Seacoast 9/11 Truth events, go to:

For the Merrimack Valley area, go to http://merrimackvalley911truth.org

For the Boston area, go to http://boston911truth.org


Site for Thomas Hansen's music that he played live at his talk:

Hiding 9/11: http://www.cosmiccooperation.com/hiding911/

Songs (free to download) include:

Those Lucky Terrorists

50 Miles Out

Explosions At The WTC

Hollow Stories

Building 7

False Flag
