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Joe Haas Arrested

Started by TackleTheWorld, June 20, 2007, 09:08 PM NHFT

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Quote from: Defender of Liberty on June 23, 2007, 08:07 AM NHFT
Quote from: Braddogg on June 22, 2007, 12:28 AM NHFT
Quote from: Defender of Liberty on June 22, 2007, 12:23 AM NHFT
Quote from: Braddogg on June 22, 2007, 12:17 AM NHFT
Quote from: Defender of Liberty on June 21, 2007, 11:03 PM NHFT
"Wise up or die" is not a threat because it is not suggesting that the writer is going to kill or otherwise harm anyone, only that he is telling someone what he wants them to do.  "I'm gonna kill you" is a threat because the person is saying that they are going to do something to someone.  "Wise up or die" falls in the same category as "Take a long walk off a short pier", "Why don't you just shoot yourself" and "Break a leg", as none of them indicate that the writer or speaker is threatening to do anything.  While Mr. Haas' grammar is difficult to understand at times, the people who really need help with their grammar and reading comprehension are certain members of the Lebanon City Council and Police Department and anyone else who thinks that "Wise up or die" is a threat.

So if I called you and left a voicemail saying "DoL, you're dead wrong about this Joe Haas thing.  Wise up or die!", you wouldn't view it as a threat?
I would view it as a hostile opinion and as a suggestion that you don't like me and/or my opinions, but not as a threat.
How explicit would I have to be before you would consider it a threat?
... it really depends on context...

Thanks Defender,

--And especially for that: "context" word.  See yesterday's UNION LEADER http://www.unionleader.com for Fri., June 22 '07 @ page A12 for that Kristen Senz story about "Deputy Lebanon police chief Gary Smith" who said that: "It's obviously the way (the alleged threat was) delivered and the CONTEXT in which it was delivered" for the decision of: "when deciding this week to charge Haas with threatening Dudley." (emphasis ADDed)  Plus also notice he did not say what TYPE of threat of: CRIMINAL Threatening, but just threatening.  This is an "abuse of process" or "malicious prosecution", etc. for taking what IS a CIVIL threat and wrongly using the criminal process, as I've indicated here for the synonym of the word WARN (or advise, see also http://idioms.thefreedictionary.com/word+to+the+wise having already posted: http://www.bartelby.com/59/3/wordtothewis.html I think) from the phrase "a word to the wise" being "To make aware of POTENTIAL danger; caution" and for threat of "One regarded as a POSSIBLE danger" these two words of: (1) potential, and (2) possible being synonyms of each other, but only in the CIVIL, not CRIMINAL because there is no intent to commit any crime like of "murder" they surmised MIGHT be what I meant from the surround text citing the Bible and the devil as the father of of lies to whom they might have joined in the cause of against the truth, anyway it being a mere "idle" threat that is not a "True threat", so really not a false threat, but a civil treat in the technical as I've outlined over at my Reply #4378 on page 292 on Thu. 6/21 @ 11:41 PM in paragraph #2, see http://newhampshireunderground.com/forum/index.php?topic=3868.4365

--So where this case went wrong, is by the very nature of the English Language not being used over at George Orwell's "Animal Farm" yard of "pigs" at the police station there in Lebanon. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Animal_Farm because although the word implicate, page 354 of my The "American Heritange Dictionary of the English Language" (c)1973 defines such to mean either: 1. "To involve intimately or inCRIMINatingly", it also means: 2. "To imply", and so to imply meaning entail, and that word @ p. 240 means: "1. To have as a necessary accompaniment or consequence".  So, so what?  So what if I accompany in my e-mail letter the phrase "devil worshipers" living "in a dream land of lies" from a "faithful city" that has gone the way of the "harlot", (citing Isaiah 1:21,) page 325 defined as not only for "A prostitute" but that of a "vagabond", page 763 from the word vague, meaning Indistinctly (p. 360) or not clearly understood, so mis-understood, and either mis-understood as being too stupid, so to wise up, or once knowing of that there be no RSA 123:1 filing, to either do your job of to check-and-balance, and because I have no power of the vote to get these hacks* out of office, then may they die a natural death by natural cause(s). 

--Since WHEN can one be charged for wishful thinking that something MIGHT occur? Answer: since the George Orwellian "1984" Thought Police took over, needing this judge to put the gavel down as to say: case dismissed! * A hack (p. 320) defined as somebody that's either banal** or trite***.  Banal (p. 56) as commonplace (p. 145) as ordinary, but isn't this WHY we train these cadets to become extra-ordinary? Extra-ordinarily smart or stupid?  It seems the latter to do the bidding of the powers-that-be to overturn the Queen's English to the pigs on Animal Farm! ***And trite defined as "lacking interest", so when somebody says that the City Councilors are there, voted in, so as to look out FOR your interest, you can tell them that they are full of shit! This trite*** word from the Latin of tritus, pp of terere, "to rub (away)"****, yup: to rub away alright, as in rubbing off their signed RSA Ch. 92:2 oath of office, if they even have one, because in Article 84, N.H. Const., Part Second is exempts town officers, "Established October 31, 1783" on Halloween, plus "Effective June 2, 1784",  but when we joined the Union on Jan. 25, 1790 as the fifth state, "all executive...Officers...of the several States, shall be bound by Oath or Affirmation, to support this Constitution".  But are "they"/these City Councilors supporting the Constitution?  And in particular the effect from Article I, Section 8, Clause 17 of the U.S. Constitution that requires "the Consent of the Legislature of the State" for what I read in the newspaper, Thu., June 21st '07 @ P. A17 BY Kristen Senz to be  "or other public buildings" it's really: "other needful Buildings" and by the U.S. Attorney's own Manual http://www.usdoj.gov/usao/eousa/foia_reading_room/usam/title9/crm00664.htm see the "Dravo also..." paragraph "embrases courthouses".  No! These Councilors were politely told by me of this fact at their Wed., June 6th meeting, of the federal non-filing as required by RSA 123:1 but for some reason decided to look the other way AWAY from the non-filing, but WHY?  If they're going to "rub"**** out (p. 614 as in definition #5 to remove or erase) their oaths, then I'm going to rely on rub definition #3 of "To contact or cause to contact repeatedly and with friction" and I see only one of whom cannot stand the heat here, just imagine what heat and pressure she'll receive down in Hell, IF she doesn't wise up, me wanting the best for her and the city including owners ATT of the Brown commercial property on Glenn Road, but she in fact is the one that chooses death.

Yours truly, - - Joe Haas

Modification: Article VI, Part 3, U.S. Constitution.


I just found this Fri., June 22nd '07 http://www.concordmonitor.com story entitled: "Browns' friend arrested for e-mail" http://www.concordmonitor.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20070622/REPOSITORY/706220326/0/s by The VALLEY NEWS, with "Monitor staff writer Margot Sanger-Katz" contributed to this report", but that some of the facts they report about need some highlighting for the reasons for those events.

1.) That I deal in "arcane legal matters"? What does that mean? The word: arcane, in my The "American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language" (c)1973 @ page 36 means: "Known only by those having secret knowledge" or "esoteric"; I prefer the latter at page 245 of like "1....understood by only a small group." because if everyone did wake up from their zombie-state of existance, then we'd have to put a new tax on the books.  :tiphat:

2.) I was the one who told Officer Mike Roberts who was investigating this charge, on the telephone last week to call the Attorney General's Office and speak with them about this right of "free speech" as this "warning" or "advise" stuff has already, PAST-tense, been litigated, and won by me over the state, as in that phrase now of: "a word to the wise".  BTW see http://www.reformation.org/pharaoh.html for that picture under the IHS/sun for "The baboon god Thoth was the Egyptian god of 'wisdom'." On a tapestry in Town Hall?

3.) Notice HOW they/ the newspaper either twisted the facts, or purposely left out a crutial ingredient to paint a bad picture, reference: "in which he warned that her (Attorney General Kelly Ayotte's) month-old daughter would be KILLED if she didn't stop prosecuting one of his friends."  (emphasis ADDed) The truth is again NOT of kill by me, but like death from natural or then- super-natural causes.  Back then it was my quoting Charlton Heston, the actor in Cecil B. DeMille's "The Ten Commandments" movie of: Exodus 5:1 to "Let my people go", or else; Or else to maybe suffer the Exodus 11:4+5 plague #10 of 10 on "the firstborn", see http://ancienthistory.about.com/od/judaism/f/10plagues.htm Plus BTW that picture of me is almost a decade old, having been taken during the Fall 1998 "Concord Bomber" days/* [see #7 below for the reason]***

4.) As it regards the Tax Collector, that was in 1981 of over a quarter century (25 yrs. now).

(a) The time I spent for the simple assault of the Town of Ashland Tax Collector was ten (10) days for AFTER I had placed that Art.I,Sec.10 "Officially Sealed" sticker on her cash register, and she came running through the swinging saloon-type doors to push me! Me re-pushing her back re-re-re- from the initial assault, that she claimed in court she did NOT go through the doors, so HOW did she get to where she was next to where George Bragg, the Building Inspector was in the next room?  where from he called the COPS and we both stood there for the Chief** to arrive, and upon her word only, he arrested me! I was stupid back then, as from reading those constitutional booklets of not to talk as to not give the court any jurisdiction, and so the lie stood, even after I charged Arlene Mills, the Tax Collector/"catchpole" with Perjury (John B. Eames, County Attorney, after offering me a $100 fine-only deal to plead guilty in effect saying: tough shit!), one of the witnesses, Rosie MacNamara called to the witness stand, but never asked this question BELIEVE IT OR NOT!  Her telling me afterwards that she was so scared of being up there that she almost forgot her own name. Little did I know then that she/ Rosie the Town Clerk would later embezzle $2 million from the Town, get caught, pay back $100,000, spend 2 years in women's prison in Goffstown, and get to keep the remainder, as she claims to have "lost" it somewhere.  :Bolt:

(b) The sentence was ten (10) days in the Grafton County Jail (nice place back then with the horse shoe pit) with a $1,000 fine and back then a 10% penalty assessment (since increased to now 20%), and so when the Clerk Paul A Gruber (since indicted for insurance fraud, then fired) refused to credit my account with the $19.00 in interest from the Littleton Saving Bank Account he was entrusted with, I said I only owe $81.00 more, but him insisting that's the way he does business: to embezzle money too, as a fringe benefit of the job, him serving at the pleasure of the judges.  So when I told this to Judge Wm. R. Johnson from Hanover there at the time (before he became one of The Supremes), he said to pay the $100.00 within 24 hours (him maybe getting a kick-back from his Clerk? or did these moneys really go into the operating budget of the state or county? my friend Homer May, (a businessman up there who'd bring me the Sunday newspaper on visiting days) up there with his calculator would go to the County Budget meetings but nowhere did we find any of this money credited as such, Johnson off the Supreme bench for #__ years now, and so maybe a copy of this to the A.O.C/ Administrative Office of the Courts to investigate before the six-year statute of limitations is up. ___ )  Anyway I found some Rule #__ and/or phrase in BLACK'S LAW DICTIONARY, 5th edition (c)1979 given to me for my Birthday Present from one of my brothers, that when a payment is made to the Clerk, it is in effect made to the court, and so to force out this almost $20.00 credit, I deposited one hundred dollars into the savings book and showed the receipt to the judge when he set up that contempt hearing, but that he could not/ or would not match the two numbers!! between the receipt and the saving account # in the file.  So off to jail I went to serve my time for contempt of court, getting a visit by Edwin W. Kelly and Mike Bolloca, the Public Defenders (Kelly since the Head of all the N.H. District Courts, Bollaca to Oregon after I sued him for $10,000 in Plymouth District Court) to the fence during recess, telling me that if I'd apologize to the judge I'd be let out: I said NO! that would be telling a lie, as I did pay it!  The next day they let me out anyway= 62 days, I went and grabbed the passbook out of the court file, took it downstairs and dared Sheriff Herb Ash to arrest me for misdemeanor tampering with public records, asking him for a police escort to the bank to prove what I said was correct, him saying: no, but that Deputy Howard Minnon, would meet me up there with Dan Edgar, the President who verified that the $100 had been paid BEFOREhand like I proved!  Did I ever get an apology from the judiciary, or a pardon from the executive branch, or even a hearing on this contempt subject matter?  No! Even though contempt is limited to ten (10) days by Articles 22+23 of the N.H. Const., Pt. 2 when the judiciary used to be UNDER the Legislature, since branched off as a so-called "equal" branch, then HOW can the creature be GREATER than the creator!? If fact Caroline (Mrs. Charles) Douglas (divorcee #__ of the judge) did tell the House Judiciary Committee once at a Public Hearing, that I repeat often: is that according to _______________ (Hamilton, Madison or Jay) in The "Federalist Papers" the judiciary is supposed to be the LEAST of all three branches of our government!!! So in effect I have a 52+ day credit from future contempts from this case, that I can give/sell to anyone if they'd like one/or more of these Get-Out-Of-Jail cards.  8)

5.) **As it regards the C.O.P. (Chief of Police) Ernest A. Paquettye, of Ashand, retired, he was told by the Chairwoman Selectman, Hilda Harris that she didn't like my political poster against her and so told the Chief to take it down from off of my 2-store/6apts. Masonic Lodge 3rd floor building.  Or 1897 I.O.O.F. Block. The former First National/I.G.A. Grocery Store. A Building that they claimed under a Tax Sale, that I eventually won a quitclaim deed from them with a Stipulation to re-pay me $42,500 that I still have yet to get! An Article 32 Petition on this sitting collecting dust at the House Speaker's Office, even though it is properly endorsed per House Rule #36 by three State Reps, she refuses to process over to the appropriate committee by House Rule #4 that says that she "shall" do it.  And I tell the governor to enforce his Art. 41 powers of a check-and-balance against her, and all he does it say in effect: tough shit! The poster read: that she was a Plank #1 Communist, For details see the Supervisors of the Checklist, who had a copy of Karl Marx' "Communist Manifesto" Plank #1 being: application of all rents to public purposes, as I was a landlord back then and they told all my tenants to pay them: some paying me, some paying them, and some paying into an escrow bank account that neither of us ever saw. So when the COP took down poster #1, I merely made poster #2 and placed it higher up on the NW side of the building. He had to get a ladder, and so when I saw him at the bottom of the ladder with my poster I grabbed it back as my RSA Ch. 627:8 right to use force to re-take your property from an unlawful taking, http://www.state.nh.us but that he anyways charged me with: simple assault, resisisting arrest, disorderly conduct, and interferrence with government administration, all charges dismissed after a jury trial that lasted 2 hours, their deliberation 3x as long = 6 hrs. for a complete 8-hour day, plus free lunch. Tom Rappa, my excellent public defender, but a lousy judge. When I returned to the apt. bldg. there was a NEW non-tenant of mine throwing my furniture out the window into the alley. And when I went up to see the Town Administrator, he said that he rented it out to them.  When I said WHAT key? as I had the lock.  He said: the "universal Key": Das Boot. Or The Boot.

6.) * To this day I've yet to see even a picture of these "pipe bombs" that were left on the inside and outside of the Concord City Library and State Library respectfully, where my car just happened to have been parked on Park Street there after Harry Vickers and I plus others in our VOCALS,Inc. group (Victims of a Corrupt American Legal System) had (visited that Merrimack Pastor teaching without a license from the state and) talked about crooked Judge John C. Fairbanks who embezzled $millions from his clients' trust funds, skipped to Canada, made Robert Stack's "Unsolved Mysteries" on NBC-TV and supposedly committed suicide in Las Vegas at the casinos, so said and still says his then attorney Paul Barbadoro, now a federal judge in the same courthouse over there on Pleasant Street in Concord, N.H. A crook when it comes to the law, as in the Andy Tempelman case, of where the I.R.S. by same Deputy Marshal Gary DiMartino (shame on you Gary!) threw him, his wife and son out from their Ram-in-the-Thicket Restaurant and home in Milford, but who would NOT reverse the case when Andy found that U.S. Code #____ that says that an IRS auction has to occur in a courthouse of the county where the land is located, that was NOT done in this case, the judge in effect also saying: tough shit! and our Federal Reps for impeachment saying: tough-er shit! or here's the toilet paper. To this day I still do not know WHO this real "Concord Bomber" is/was, but get this, as in the Gus Breton case*, the Attorney General's Office, by its Investigator, Mike Bahan, from the Manchester P.D. told one of Gus' relatives one day who relayed it to Gus and to me, that Bahan is saying about me in that "Concord Bomber" case: "We know he did it, but can't prove it".

7.) *** The reason for my saying: "Let me people go" was because every month the jailers make a list that goes to Rbt. Lynn, Chief of the Superior Courts on the Heights in Concord, #__ Chanel Drive, who compiles a list of those inmates therein each of the ten (10) county jails for almost four (4) months, to send immediately up to the Chief Judge John Broderick of The Supremes because he's supposed to make sure that the Rule #__ Speedy Trial is complied with in that if somebody is not tried within four (4) months, they've got to let him go.  So when Supreme James Duggan (former Appelate Defender from The FPLC/ Franklin Pierce Law Center) came down to sit on Gus' case in Merrimack County Superior Court, and heard him say it was ALMOST 4 months, I told him he better check his math, as it was OVER 4 months, and after Duggan told me to shut up and sit down, I walked out of the courtroom, and there was Mike Bahan, saying to me of: you f***ing jerk! Nice language from one of our supposed "finest", heh?

Yours truly, - - Joe Haas

P.S. So as it regards Ed, to see if they will have the IRS auction in the what? Grafton County courthouse (in North Haverhill)? or the Lebanon District Court?  And when they go to TRY to book the room, to make sure that a copy of this certificate from Bill Gardner's Office is given over to the booking agents in both places proving that the Feds have no jurisdictional authority as per their non-filing mode by RSA 123:1 from 1-8-17 U.S. Const.


"Arcane legal matters" means Margot likes you but can't understand a word you're saying. :)

Kat Kanning

Joe, if you really didn't mean "wise up or die" as a threat, wouldn't it be a simple thing to just apologize to the recipients of the letter for the misconception?


Quote from: Kat Kanning on June 24, 2007, 08:27 PM NHFT
Joe, if you really didn't mean "wise up or die" as a threat, wouldn't it be a simple thing to just apologize to the recipients of the letter for the misconception?

But I do mean it as NOT a CRIMINAL threat but technically a CIVIL threat or "warning" or "advice" that is O.K. and BTW some directive in the Bible in that we are to warn the wicked so I was just exercising my Art. 5 religious rights. See Ezekiel 3:19 and 33:8+9 for "he shall die in his iniquity".  I have had enough of these government goons in power, just that I would not "kill" them, but I do hope that they either wise up, and do what's right by their oath of office as contracted for either verbally +/or in writing or else die either a natural or super-natural death beyond my control.

And speaking of "the bigger they are", as in bloated pompous asses in high power, "the harder they fall", see how some of them might have gotten there, and for the reason for their demise over at the following for: "The Radiant Boy of Corby Castle" in Ireland: (1) http://www.sacred-texts.com/neu/yeats/fip/fip41.htm (2) http://www.bartleby.com/166/23.html and (3) http://www.geocities.com/laxaria/radiant.html?200724 where these achievers go for hoped-for greatness in elevating themselves into powers-that-be OVER us, but who meet a tragic end, them WANTing to be "frighten"ed by the "boy, surrounded by a dazzling radiance", but when reminded of their demise as by fate they go beserk and call the police saying they are frightened, but there being no active maneuvering toward any crime! The fear in their dread that they have not done their job as contracted and want out on some like Twilight Zone "Escape Clause" see http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0734566/ and http://www.scifilm.org/tv/tz/twilightzone1-6.html

Best wishes to you, - - Joe

Bald Eagle

"Wise up or drop dead," would have been a better way to phrase it.


Joe, what was your goal in all this?  What did it accomplish to tell a 78 year old woman that she deserves anthrax and that you wish she would die?


Quote from: Bald Eagle on June 25, 2007, 11:39 AM NHFT
"Wise up or drop dead," would have been a better way to phrase it.

But that's too soon, don't you want to see them suffer?   :violent5: like in that "Wild Wild West" episode where Robert Conrad as Jim West was tied up for the reason that the heat from the sun would cause his rope to contract and strangle him to death.  Or would "they" now call the public stocks to where some of these renegade public servants ought to go: torture now, as cruel and unusual punishment?

Here's another re-type:

"To: The Three Plainfield Police Officers
________ + _______ + ___________
who "assault"ed me last Wednesday night.
c/o Gordon Gillens, Chief of Police
P. O. Box 380
Meriden, N.H. 03770
Sullivan County
603: 643-2222

Dear Officers:

--In preparation for: (1) my defense in Case #07CR1061 over at the Lebanon District Court, by way of a counter-complaint, or cross-claim, etc. and; (2) in order to satisfy as a crime victim under http://doj.nh.gov/victim/what.html , I do hereby 'report the crime' of 'Simple Assault' upon me last Wednesday night @ 7:15 o'clock p.m. by you all of 'local law enforcement' in the Town Hall Parking Lot, so as to be 'within 5 days' to hopefully eventually claim 'at least $100.00 in out-of-pocket loss' being the about $10/hr. x 5 hours = $50.00 of lost wages for not working that night + $30.00 bail commissioner's fee + $20.00 in gasoline/ Bernie Taxi service from the Lebanon P.D. = $100.00.

--I can believe you all were operating on an Arrest Warrant, (as one of you told me) so can counter-or cross-claim back to the one who filed the Affidavit to the Judge, but that I had to start my complaint here, knowing that you will not be paying any future fines, but that what is hoped by me is that in my counter-or cross-complaint that I've filed in time so as not to lose this right to call the merits of such affidavit into question as whoever did provide FALSE information to the judge ought to be the one ultimately responsible for this 'false' arrest based on FALSE information, and so the Class B misdemeanor treatment for Simple Assault in return.

--A photocopy of this to go with my 2-page Application Form for the $100.00 to: The N.H. Victims' Assistance Commission, 33 Capitol Street, Concord, N.H. 03301-6397 (603) 271-1284 to file there 'within one year from the date of the crime'. http://doj.nh.gov/victim/what.html

-Notice that they are having a PUBLIC meeting this Wed., June 27th, 2007 @ 8:30 a.m. Room 44, Bette Jane Riorden, Coordinator.  http://doj.nh.gov/victim/meeting_dates.html

--So would you please put into writing what you told me verbally that night that you were acting as agents on an Arrest Warrant, and provide me with a photocopy if possible of that instrument and if possible too: of a copy of the Affidavit also that started this criminal case, with a cc: by you over to that Officer __________ of the Lebanon P.D. thus, in my opinion, you having satisfied the counter-or cross claim provisions, whereupon I can then file a COUNTER or CROSS CLAIM against WHOever that is in my court case as another line of defense.

Thank you, - - - - - - - - - Joe / Joseph S. Haas, P.O. Box 3842, Concord, New Hampshire 03302, Tel. 603: 848-6059 (cell phone).

P.S. See also: http://doj.nh.gov/victim/long.html for an acknowledgment within 2 weeks; + http://doj.nh.gov/victim/costs.html

note: The Deputy Sheriff was only the middleman, so like they say of: 'don't shoot the messenger.'"

- - Yours truly, - - Joe H.


Quote from: richardr on June 25, 2007, 01:13 PM NHFT
Joe, what was your goal in all this?  What did it accomplish to tell a 78 year old woman that she deserves anthrax and that you wish she would die?

Richard, that anthrax incident with her was back in 2002, during which time I was before her House Judiciary Committee for a check-and-balance solution to act, but them NOT acting as an oversight to the crooked judiciary, me having filed an Art. 32 Petition as House Rule #36 endorsed, but that the House Speaker was not sending over to the "appropriate" committee by House Rule #4 with the "shall" word.  I think this or something along these lines got me so upset that day in Room 208 of the L.O.B. / Legislative Office Building (that BTW some people call the S.L.O.B. putting the word: State before the LOB), that I merely was referring to these anthrax incidents in the media, saying that they're deserving of such too, (to die so that somebody better can take their place) as they are merely like "bumps on a log", not a tree limb as in a branch of the Tree of Liberty, but a worthless dead instrument, a log with internal power to like be used to light up a fire in a fireplace, etc., but that it does not move.  The same with them: they sit on their ass in that room and do nothing!  At least I did get Rep. David Welch of the House Criminal Justice Committee (its Chairman) to go to the Speaker's Office, Gene Chandler, at that time, to say: What are you going to do about Joe's Petition?  Chandler answering back of to: Get the hell out of my office!  I took him to the Ethics Committee, for where I found out the reason WHY he was not processing it was that Rep. Roland Hemon put his seat # down, instead of his District #, as by Rule #36 that should have been red-pencil corrected by Chandler like a teacher to a student, but Roland died, and so I need another one, got three State Reps, but since corrected, it still sits there collecting dust! Anthrax technically in all soil, just that some of it more potent than others, maybe hoping that some of these spores land on their OTHER paperwork does AFTER my Petition since she, the new House Speaker is in violation of Roberts Rules of Order too.  Too I say for Art. 14, N.H. & the Ninth Amendment for an orderly due process of law. I was there as a member of our VOCALS, Inc. group; Victims of a Corrupt American Legal System, hoping to change that letter V for Victims into Victors someday.

Best wishes, - Joe


1. THE LETTER. Thank you Chief Gillens for your 2-page letter of June 27th received in yesterday's mail mentioning some "threat of violence" meaning "either by PHYSICAL menace" (emphasis ADDed) of which this case is NOT, "or by threats to commit a crime", of what? There is no crime for telling or wishing someone "Wise Up, or Die" a natural death, as in the very explicit phrase in the SUPPLEMENT to the "Supporting Affidavit for Request to Issue Arrest Warrant" wherein Detective Michael S. Roberts wrote of "they can do their jobs or 'shrivel up and die'".

2. THE WORDS. The word shrivel, defined as from the ON= Old Norse (see pages 646 + XII of The "American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language") for the word skrifla, "to wrinkle", page 800, from the OE/ Old English word gewrinclian of "to wind", that word wind, in the verb @ page 794 from the OE of windan. See wendh, for wend @ page 787 of the OE wendon, "to turn AWAY" (emphasis ADDed), and so if that person does not want to "Wise Up", with the truth, then to "shrivel up" or completely/ entirely meaning to turn AWAY from the truth where I reside and die a natural death in their own lies, AWAY from me, as in what I did write of: "get OUT of the way...BE GONE with you NOW!" (emphasis ADDed for the word out). The word out @ p. 503 meaning "Away", and gone defined at page 308 as "Dying" right now, p. 488 "1. At the PRESENT time" 2. At once; immediately." (emphasis ADDed, to compare with the FUTURE tense), and so since a threat (p. 720) is about something that MIGHT or MAY "possibl"y happen in the future, then by the very nature of this word: NOW, then there being NO threat!

3. THE ARREST WARRANT. Thanks too for the 1-page copy of the "ARREST WARRANT" signed by  "Claremont District Court Justice John Yazinski" who I've met before in Concord District Court and find him now revolting as he believes in liars! Back then I told him that my car was past the 4-corner intersection line INTO the center when the light turned yellow, but the Concord Police Officer, the liar he was and is probably today too, a liar said that I went through a red light, as maybe the tail end of my car did pass under the light in the MIDDLE of the intersection in red, but that is not illegal! I wonder if this Yazinski is in compliance with Supreme Court Rule #46 for his continuing judicial education. The PS&T refused to give me the grade this officer passed by, maybe flunking the road test section on this yellow light/line class of in this course.

4.  THE AFFIDAVIT. There are NO "Notes of Issuing Magistrate" on page 2 of the 2-page "SUPPORTING AFFIDAVIT FOR REQUEST TO ISSUE ARREST WARRANT, in this LPD Case #07L-628-OF. But maybe there should be, or has to be, by some Rule #___? Such as, after consulting with his ___________________________ Dictionary. There are only two (2) lines there for these Notes, in the plural, but a 3.75-inch blank space at the bottom of this 8.5x11" paper.  This space is after the definition of PROBABLE CAUSE that is defined as "upon reasonable inquiry", the word reasonable @ page 588 defined as "Not excessive or extreme" so with Article 14, Pt. 1 N.H. Const. & Bill of Rights for "Legal Remedies to be free, COMPLETE, and Prompt", (emphasis ADDed), how far does the "exam" have to go to be complete? An exam being an examination, page 249 defined as "A set of questions" in the plural again, so what were these questions? And was the examination recorded? for how much time, from: __:__ o'clock __ to __:__ o'clock __ plus WHERE? and using WHAT instruction manual, if any, like page #___ from the A.G. Handbook for threats?

5. THE WORD: MURDER. The crime of "murder" is mentioned as THE crime in the COMPLAINT as element #__, but WHERE in the e-mail does it state that I was going to, in the FUTURE tense, "kill"? by (1) stealth*, (2) motive**, and (3) premeditation***, as the three specifications for the word murder as a synonym under the word kill over at http://www.m-w.com/dictionary/kill from the Merriam-Webster OnLine Dictionary.  Does the prosecution have a SECRET* and ADVANCE PLAN*** to be FUTURE tense put into MOTION**?, and if so HOW*** is the murder to take place? (by Col. Mustard, with an ax at City Hall? as in the boardgame of "CLUE") and WHEN? ______ plus HOW was this SECRET un-covered? (page 750) or disclosed (p. 205), divulged (p. 211) from the Latin word divulgare, "to spread abroad among the people"****.  BECAUSE withOUT these answers there is no THE PEOPLE**** v. Joseph S. Haas.

Yours truly, - - - - - - - - -  Joe Haas

P.S. The typing of the 2-page SUPPLEMENT to follow...


Quote from: Braddogg on June 22, 2007, 12:28 AM NHFT
Quote from: Defender of Liberty on June 22, 2007, 12:23 AM NHFT
Quote from: Braddogg on June 22, 2007, 12:17 AM NHFT
Quote from: Defender of Liberty on June 21, 2007, 11:03 PM NHFT
"Wise up or die" is not a threat because it is not suggesting that the writer is going to kill or otherwise harm anyone, only that he is telling someone what he wants them to do.  "I'm gonna kill you" is a threat because the person is saying that they are going to do something to someone.  "Wise up or die" falls in the same category as "Take a long walk off a short pier", "Why don't you just shoot yourself" and "Break a leg", as none of them indicate that the writer or speaker is threatening to do anything.  While Mr. Haas' grammar is difficult to understand at times, the people who really need help with their grammar and reading comprehension are certain members of the Lebanon City Council and Police Department and anyone else who thinks that "Wise up or die" is a threat.

So if I called you and left a voicemail saying "DoL, you're dead wrong about this Joe Haas thing.  Wise up or die!", you wouldn't view it as a threat?
I would view it as a hostile opinion and as a suggestion that you don't like me and/or my opinions, but not as a threat.
How explicit would I have to be before you would consider it a threat?

"I'm coming over there and blowing your mother----ing brains out of your mother----ing skull!"

I'd consider that a threat. Unless of course, you were a friend and I knew you were joking.


Here's my typing of this SUPPLEMENT to "Supporting Affidavit for Request to Issue Arrest Warrant" in LPD (Lebanon Police Dept.) Case #07L-628-OF. New Hampshire


"--On June 18, 2007 at approximately 1500 hours I was advised by Lt. Rathburn to investigate a Criminal Threatening complaint.  Terri Dudley, a City Councilor for Lebanon, received an e-mail from Joseph Haas.  There was a threatening message contained in the body of the e-mail which terrified Mrs. Dudley.  Mrs. Dudley received this e-mail on Friday, June 15, 2007.  The e-mail is in regards to Haas disagreement with the Lebanon Police Department assisting with a seizure of property in West Lebanon, New Hampshire.

--In reviewing a copy of the e-mail, I found the text that Mrs. Dudley felt threatened with.  It states: 'You live in a dream land of lies, the father of which is the devil himself: devil worshipers you must be, and O.K. by your article 5 rights, but when you become a public servant, you owe fidelity to the truth.  Either you do your job, or get out of the way.  WISE UP OR DIE.  If the latter be your choice, then BE GONE with you NOW!  You have turned the Isaiah 1:21 'faithful city' (in your 78+ years Rep. Terri Duddy) into a land of the harlot: the vague and the vagabond, you KNOWing that there be NONE of these RSA 123:1 papers on file, but treat it as a mis-understanding or mistake of no harm while it's being corrected you presume, No harm!?'

--Mrs. Dudley stated she has been threatened in the past by Mr. Haas and she felt threatened by this e-mail.

--On 6/16/07 at approximately 1545 hours, I spoke with Lebanon City Manager, Gregg Mandsager.  Mandsager said he has spoken with Haas over the phone and at a City Council meeting on June 5, 2007.  Mandsager stated Haas voiced his displeasure over the Lebanon Police Department's involvment with the seizure of 27 Glen Road, West Lebanon, New Hampshire.  Mandsager stated Haas just kept saying that the Lebanon Police should do their jobs and should not have assisted the federal government with the seizure of the property.  He stated Haas seemed angry when speaking with him.

--At the June 6th meeting Haas made his arguements to the City Council.  He was advised the Attorney General's Office or the Grafton County Attorney's Office was the proper place to bring his complaint and the council could not assist him further.

--Mandsager stated he has read the recent e-mail sent to the seven (7) Lebanon City Councilors.  Mandsager agreed with Mrs. Dudley in that the e-mail seemed threatening.  Mandsager said he has fear now for the safety of his family as the e-mail mentions death and seems angry in nature.  Mandsager said notified the Lebanon Police reference his concerns about Haas sending this threatening e-mail.

--On 6/18/07 at approximately 1600 hours, I spoke with Mrs. Dudley at the Lebanon Police Station.  Mrs. Dudley said she is in fear of Haas based on the e-mail she received.  Mrs. Dudley stated she feels Haas has distrust for the Government and she does not know what he would or could do if he becomes angry.  Mrs. Dudley mentioned to me that people in the Colebrook, New Hampshire area felt Carl Drega was just an angry person who was harmless until he went on a shooting rampage.  Mrs. Dudley says she fears Haas could potentially resort to the same violence Drega did in Colebrook, New Hampshire in 1997.  Mrs. Dudley said she is very afraid of Haas based on the statement in this e-mail.  Mrs. Dudley further stated she was in fear as she is the only Lebanon City Councilor mentioned in the e-mail.

--On 6/18/07 at approximately 1755 hours, I received a call from Haas.  Haas said he figured I was calling reference the 'Ed Brown case.'  I told him it was in reference to the e-mail sent to the Lebanon City Council.  I told Haas the e-mail bothered Mrs. Dudley.  Haas responded by stating, 'Good, it should bother her.'  I explained Mrs. Dudley felt threatened by this e-mail.  Haas said he felt the e-mail made a point and maybe the council will now look into his issues with the Police Department assisting the federal Government.  Haas went on to say he has known Mrs. Dudley from when she was a representative and they go 'way back.'  Haas told me he wrote the e-mail and further acknowledged he spelled Mrs. Dudley's name incorrectly.  I told Haas that despite his political beliefs, that sending e-mails which contain threatening material was unlawful.  Haas stated he never threatened anyone, that he just said for the council to die.  He said he never stated he would carry it the death or cause harm.  I told him the e-mail caused fear with Mrs. Dudley as she construed the e-mail as a threat.  Haas said he can not help how Mrs. Dudley feels.  He stated she should be held to a higher standard as she is an elected official.  Haas said because he wrote that it does not mean he will do it.  I explained and read the New Hampshire statute on Criminal Threatening, specifically section (d) of the statute (The person threatens to commit any crime against the person of another [page 1 / page 2 ] with a purpose to terrorize any person,) and further read how terrorize was defined in the statute (As used in this section 'terrorize' means to cause alarm, fright, or dread; the state of mind induced by the apprehendsion of hurt from some hostile or threatening event or manifestation.)  Haas stated he never threatened Mrs. Dudley.  I asked about the e-mail where states they could 'wise up or die.'  Haas said that is how he feels, they can do their jobs or 'shrivel up and die.'  I told Haas they council was elected officials and death was not how they were removed.   I told him the citizen's of Lebanon vote and can remove any member of the council if they feel the job is not being done.  Haas said he knows this but he can not vote as he is a citizen of Concord, New Hampshire.  Haas said he is supporting Ed and Elaine Brown and the seizure of their Glen Road property.

--Based on the aforementioned facts and circumstances, to include the admittance of Haas writing the e-mail and Mrs. Dudley's fear and alarm from reading the e-mail and believing Haas could harm her, I feel there is probable cause to charge Haas with Criminal Threatening.

ELEMENTS: 631:4 Criminal Theatening, - I. A person is guilty of criminal threatening when: ...(d) That person threatens to commit any crime against the person of another with a purpose to terriorize any person....

___________ Detective Michael S. Roberts          ______________ Justice John J. Yazinski "


Joe, you've just learned why you don't want to talk to the police.  The detective noted that you admitted to writing the e-mail and misspelling the recipient's name.  Without either of those admissions, the investigation would have taken a lot longer and may not have resulted in an arrest warrant, etc.

Remember, when the government is investigating you (whether for a speeding ticket or something far more serious), your best bet is to say nothing.  Frequently, police who pull people over for speeding didn't have their radar on and are bluffing when they ask, "Do you know how fast you were going?"  When you answer 70, they write you down for 65, making you think that they're doing you a favor, but all that you've done is give them the information that they needed to win in traffic court.

Don't be a jerk to the cops, but don't help them convict you, either.  Save your case for your lawyer and / or court.


Quote from: TylerM on June 30, 2007, 02:31 PM NHFT
Quote from: Braddogg on June 22, 2007, 12:28 AM NHFT
How explicit would I have to be before you would consider it a threat?
"I'm coming over there and blowing your mother----ing brains out of your mother----ing skull!"

I'd consider that a threat. Unless of course, you were a friend and I knew you were joking.

I'm telling!!!!!



* * * * * These two papers (the letter and ORDER), were mailed 6/29, that I received in today's mail:


Lebanon District Court
38 Centerra Parkway
Lebanon, NH 03766
Tel. 603: 643-3555

Case Name: State v. Joseph S. Haas
Case Number: 452-2007-CR-01061

Enclosed please find a copy of the Judge's Order.  Please contact the Court if there are any questions.

Diane M. Carroll, Clerk of Court (0041)

c: Lebanon Police Dept Prosecutor

NHJB-2012-DFPS (3/1/2005)

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



--Justices Cirone and MacLeod, of the Lebanon District Court have recused themselves in the above entitled case as they both have a conflict.

--This case is hereby transferred to the Newport District Court for further proceedings to take place on August 7, 2007, at 8:30am.

Lawrence A. MacLeod, Special Justice

c: All parties

cv/confilct.ord 3/01

* * * * * Yours truly, - - Joe Haas