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"Let them march all they want, as long as they pay their taxes."  --Alexander Haig

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civil dis at state house RE milk tax?

Started by Dave Ridley, August 22, 2007, 08:14 AM NHFT

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Dave Ridley

when are some upcoming dates that a large number of reps or senators will be at the state house?   

perhaps a date like that would be appropriate for a milk tax event


How bout hauling around jugs of milk and signs saying "My 1% doesn't have 1% more milk in it, so why does my pocket have 1%  less money in it?"

Or something probably wittier and easier to read?

Or super soakers filled with milk, I like that idea, spray it on the ground two or three days before they show up. That'll make a nice stink.

money dollars

If they have milk welfare, and they do,  they should have a milk tax....no, it is a user fee, not a tax.  :P




So, I'm being taxed for using milk?  Of course you don't buy milk, you only rent it.  Does that make it a rental tax fee?


Milk subsidy :vomit:

It was one of the bills on the 2007 NHLA Report Card

Not much going on at the State House until the 2008 session starts up, Jan or Feb



Quote from: DadaOrwell on August 22, 2007, 08:14 AM NHFT
when are some upcoming dates that a large number of reps or senators will be at the state house?   

perhaps a date like that would be appropriate for a milk tax event

By their calendars it looks like they'll all - Senate and House - be there Wednesday, September 5.

Dave Ridley

whoa that is fast

doubt we'd have time to  find a cow by then
where can i get raw milk?


Be sure to demonstrate how other low taxes went up very quickly. Blow through the wall of "it's only 1% it's not that bad don't worry" lie.


Quote from: DadaOrwell on August 24, 2007, 11:19 PM NHFT
whoa that is fast

doubt we'd have time to  find a cow by then
where can i get raw milk?

For purposes of the drama, you don't need actual raw milk. As for the cow... I don't know, but I'm pretty sure there are lots of family farms with just one or two milk cows. The cow will just be a prop for the drama; she doesn't even have to be an active milker. Call a petting zoo? Most any dairy farmer should be supportive of the protest, but commercial dairy cows aren't given to quietly chewing cud while wearing a halter on lead. Not to mention, they must be milked on schedule, so standing around outside the Gen Court won't fit the schedule.

Send me a PM to remind me, and I'll try to make some phone calls and do some searching.

Dave Ridley


what if i were to send something like this:
(suggestions for improvement requested)

Dear (not yet specified Democrat official):

On ___, ____ you were complicit in a crime of theft.   Your victims:  The innocent citizens of New Hampshire.   On that day you imposed a small but vicious sales tax upon our struggling families.   It is a penalty which affects nearly all of us, all who would purchase the most basic and innocuous of staples.   

It is the Democrat Milk Tax.

At __ a.m. on Wednesday, September 5, I will peaceably defy this hated tax.  While you and your fellow Democrats gather inside the State House to plot new misdemeanors against hungry children...I will stand outside and sell tax free milk to your victims. 

This will violate the law you have inflicted.  But it is the duty of the people to rebel against immoral laws.  And that is what I will do on September 5, until the day is done or I am dragged from the scene.   If no arrest ocurrs, I will set up a semi-permanent, tax free milk stand at the scene of your crime.


Dave Ridley

i could use help filling in the blanks in the msg above....if u can research it

lynch might be a good subject for our ire since he would have signed it.  anyone know when he signed the milk tax?

Dave Ridley

i may not have internet until monday so take this and run with it if ulike, bearing in mind i haveno't  decided 4 sure to do it
call me at 721 1490 if need be

Dave Ridley

i have someone who can hook me up with raw milk i think. 
can someone tell me how to make sure the milk is safe?  it may end up being scrutinized very closely and it would be bad if some pathogen were found in the liquid.
can someone start working on finding a cow?   that is optional of course.

also i'm wondering if there's something we're missing..  is it possible that I would not be committing a crime by doing this milk sale?  what other laws might i run afowl of?  what might keep this from being a successful civil dis endeavor?  what should be its goals?

the goals as i see them:

1) show resistance to dem rule
2) cost dems a few votes
3) generate publicity for our wider cause
4) generate debate about the tax and dem rule generally


I like the idea and the idea of sending mail beforehand to let them know of it. I'm not sure I would speak as if you want to get arrested. I realize you kind of do, but just point out that you'll continue selling the milk as long as the tax is in place.


Yeah, drop the whole thing about getting arrested, or dragged from the scene. Just say you will sell tax-free milk there on a semi-permanent basis until the immoral law is repealed.