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"Let them march all they want, as long as they pay their taxes."  --Alexander Haig

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Kennebunkport, Maine Rally and March for Peace

Started by jaqeboy, August 20, 2007, 12:40 PM NHFT

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Another local opportunity to network, coalition and strike a blow against the emperor at his Daddy's house. Plus, it looks like there'll be some good music!:


Speakers include:

Cindy Sheehan, Gold Star Mother, founder of the Camp Casey Peace Institute and co-founder of Gold Star Families for Peace
Retired US Colonel Ann Wright
Congressman Dennis Kucinich
Melida Arredondo & Carlos Arredondo, Gold Star Parents, co-founders of People United for Peace and members of Gold Star Families Speak Out and Gold Star Families for Peace
Liam Madden, co-founder of Appeal for Redress, and President of Iraq Veterans Against War, Boston Chapter
Dr. Dahlia Wasfi, physician, Iraqi-American Anti-war Activist
George Paz Martin, National co-chair of United for Peace and Justice, Program Director of Peace Action Wisconsin, Green Party member
Bruce Gagnon, co-founder of the Global Network Against Weapons & Nuclear Power in Space
Doug Rawlings, one of the orginal founders of Veterans for Peace
Greg Speeter from National Priorities Project
Peter Kellman, president of the Southern Maine Labor Council, AFL-CIO, and author of the book "Divided We Fall"
Dexter Kamilewicz, Military Families Speak Out
Eugene Puryear, Student Organizer from Howard University for Act Now to Stop War and End Racism.
Ashley Smith, Northeast Regional Coordinator for International Socialist Organization
Charlie Clements, president and CEO of the Unitarian Universalist Service Committee
Sally Breen, chair of the Peace Action Maine steering committee
John Kaminski, chair of Maine Lawyers for Democracy
the Raging Grannies
Debra Sweet, from the World Can't Wait! Drive Out the Bush Regime

Musical artists include:

Indigo Girls • Dave Rovics • Inanna • Pat Scanlon • The Leftist Marching Band • Bojah & the Insurrection •
Emma's Revolution • SON of NUN • Congolese Banya Mulenge Tutsi Choir • Aserela Acholi Singing And Dance Group

There will be some early-departing carpooling from Amherst. Details will probably end up on the Merrimack Valley 911 Truth site.

Dang, I want to be there and in Jaffrey at the same time!


BTW, this is THIS Saturday, 25 August at 10 AM.

Kennebunkport isn't that far away: ~46 minutes from downtown Portsmouth




I guess this is sponsored by the Workers World Party, just for you anti-capitalist fans.  ;)


Quote from: CNHT on August 22, 2007, 07:04 PM NHFT

I guess this is sponsored by the Workers World Party, just for you anti-capitalist fans.  ;)

This event is being organized as well by the hardworking activists from Maine, New Hampshire and Massachusetts.

Jamilla wishes to give a special thanks to Eleana Whitesell, Annie Sullivan, Harvey Flashen, Sassy Smallman, Eva Downs, Nancy Dorn, Pat Scanlon, Bruce Gagnon , MaryBeth Sullivan, Flora Brown, and for my husband Bob Walter for his support and patience.
Special thanks to Judy and Pip Wick for their generosity.

Special Acknowledgement goes to our beloved Chief of Police Joe Bruni and the very professional Kennebunk and Kennebunkport police men and women.
*If you see Chief Bruni please thank him for standing up for our Constitutional rights!



Quote from: EthanAllen on August 22, 2007, 08:03 PM NHFT
Quote from: CNHT on August 22, 2007, 07:04 PM NHFT

I guess this is sponsored by the Workers World Party, just for you anti-capitalist fans.  ;)

This event is being organized as well by the hardworking activists from Maine, New Hampshire and Massachusetts.

Jamilla wishes to give a special thanks to Eleana Whitesell, Annie Sullivan, Harvey Flashen, Sassy Smallman, Eva Downs, Nancy Dorn, Pat Scanlon, Bruce Gagnon , MaryBeth Sullivan, Flora Brown, and for my husband Bob Walter for his support and patience.
Special thanks to Judy and Pip Wick for their generosity.

Special Acknowledgement goes to our beloved Chief of Police Joe Bruni and the very professional Kennebunk and Kennebunkport police men and women.
*If you see Chief Bruni please thank him for standing up for our Constitutional rights!


No one said they weren't hard working, or that they should not have the right to assemble, but they do tend to have a lot of URLs that don't make it clear initially who is behind all of the groups represented. A little digging is all it takes.

http://www.sp-usa.org/ also asking to join them at Kennebunkport.


Quote from: CNHT on August 22, 2007, 08:12 PM NHFT
Quote from: EthanAllen on August 22, 2007, 08:03 PM NHFT
Quote from: CNHT on August 22, 2007, 07:04 PM NHFT

I guess this is sponsored by the Workers World Party, just for you anti-capitalist fans.  ;)

This event is being organized as well by the hardworking activists from Maine, New Hampshire and Massachusetts.

Jamilla wishes to give a special thanks to Eleana Whitesell, Annie Sullivan, Harvey Flashen, Sassy Smallman, Eva Downs, Nancy Dorn, Pat Scanlon, Bruce Gagnon , MaryBeth Sullivan, Flora Brown, and for my husband Bob Walter for his support and patience.
Special thanks to Judy and Pip Wick for their generosity.

Special Acknowledgement goes to our beloved Chief of Police Joe Bruni and the very professional Kennebunk and Kennebunkport police men and women.
*If you see Chief Bruni please thank him for standing up for our Constitutional rights!


No one said they weren't hard working, or that they should not have the right to assemble, but they do tend to have a lot of URLs that don't make it clear initially who is behind all of the groups represented. A little digging is all it takes.

http://www.sp-usa.org/ also asking to join them at Kennebunkport.

Yes, there will be free market, anti-capitalist and collectivist, anti-capitalists there.

Nothing new to any left libertarians involved in the anti-war movement.


Quote from: EthanAllen on August 22, 2007, 09:28 PM NHFT
Yes, there will be free market, anti-capitalist and collectivist, anti-capitalists there.

Nothing new to any left libertarians involved in the anti-war movement.

To me there is no such thing as a left libertarian who is anti-capitalist.....it's just a leftist, period.


Quote from: lawofattraction on August 22, 2007, 09:44 PM NHFT
Maybe I'll show up in my Ron Paul T-shirt. I love Kennebunkport!

And that would help him how?     :icon_joker:


Quote from: CNHT on August 22, 2007, 09:47 PM NHFT
Quote from: EthanAllen on August 22, 2007, 09:28 PM NHFT
Yes, there will be free market, anti-capitalist and collectivist, anti-capitalists there.

Nothing new to any left libertarians involved in the anti-war movement.

To me there is no such thing as a left libertarian who is anti-capitalist.....it's just a leftist, period.

Maybe you should get out more often and explore the world and our unique individualist anarchist tradition here in the US which fits into the broader left-libertarian framework.



Mutualists believe that a natural economic consequence of a truly free labor market is income to individuals being received proportionally to the amount of labor they exert. Mutualists oppose the idea of individuals receiving an income through loans, investments, and rent, as they believe these individuals are not laboring. They hold that if state intervention ceased, these types of incomes would disappear.

Insofar as they ensure the workers right to the full product of their labor, mutualists support markets and private property in the product of labor. However, they argue for conditional titles to land, whose private ownership is legitimate only so long as it remains in use or occupation (which Proudhon called "possession.") Proudhon and other Mutualists believe in labor-owned cooperative firms and associations. As for capital goods (man-made, non-land, "means of production"), mutualist opinions differ on whether they are private "possession" (i.e. individuals required to be using them in order to retain titles) or private property.

Some commentators distinguish between the nineteenth century American individualist anarchists and mutualists, suggesting that mutualists are more concerned with association. Because of this, some see mutualism as being situated somewhere between individualism and collectivism. Proudhon himself described the "liberty" which he pursued as "the synthesis of communism and property."

Mutualists, following Proudhon, originally considered themselves to be libertarian socialists. However, "some mutualists have abandoned the labor theory of value, and prefer to avoid the term "socialist." But they still retain some cultural attitudes, for the most part, that set them off from the libertarian right." Mutualists have distinguished themselves from state socialism, and don't advocate social control over the means of production. Benjamin Tucker said of Proudhon, that "though opposed to socializing the ownership of capital, [Proudhon] aimed nevertheless to socialize its effects by making its use beneficial to all instead of a means of impoverishing the many to enrich the few...by subjecting capital to the natural law of competition, thus bringing the price of its own use down to cost."

The major tenets of mutualism are free association, mutualist credit, contract (or federation/confederation), and gradualism (or dual-power). Mutualism is often described by its proponents as advocating an "anti-capitalist free market".

Contemporary mutualist author Kevin Carson holds that capitalism has been founded on "an act of robbery as massive as feudalism," and argues that capitalism could not exist in the absence of a state. He says "it is state intervention that distinguishes capitalism from the free market". He does not define capitalism in the idealized sense, but says that when he talks about "capitalism" he is referring to what he calls "actually existing capitalism." He believes the term "laissez-faire capitalism" is an oxymoron because it has never existed. However, he says he has no quarrel with anarcho-capitalists who use the term "laissez-faire capitalism" and distinguish it from "actually existing capitalism." He says he has deliberately chosen to resurrect on old definition of the term.

Carson argues the centralization of wealth into a class hierarchy is due to state intervention to protect the ruling class, by using a money monopoly, granting patents and subsidies to corporations, imposing discriminatory taxation, and intervening militarily to gain access to international markets. Carson's thesis is that an authentic free market economy would not be capitalism as the separation of labor from ownership and the subordination of labor to capital would be impossible, bringing a class-less society where people could easily choose between working as a freelancer, working for a fair wage, taking part of a cooperative, or being an entrepreneur. He notes, as did Tucker before him, that a mutualist free market system would involve significantly different property rights than capitalism is based on, particularly in terms of land and intellectual property


Quote from: lawofattraction on August 22, 2007, 10:43 PM NHFT
Ethan, can you give any simple, real world examples that would illustrate how our current capitalist (as opposed to free market) system is harming ordinary people?

Subjecting capital to the natural law of competition by removing any market barriers to entry that favor big business. Rothbard was in agreement with the New Left historians Williams, Kolko, and Weinstein, that big business wanted regulation to protect their profits.


Quote from: EthanAllen on August 22, 2007, 10:30 PM NHFT
Maybe you should get out more often and explore the world and our unique individualist anarchist tradition here in the US which fits into the broader left-libertarian framework.

I'm not into anarchy or 'leftist' anything. I'm not for camel's noses no matter what side they purport to be from.
And I get out plenty. When I do, it's usually to NYC, one of the highest taxed cities in the world, where liberals abound.
And if Bill could ever explain anything simply I'd faint...what he prints is beyond anyone's comprehension or within the scope of patience to read through it.
If ya can't convince 'em, confuse 'em. (And thus I say ignore them)


Quote from: lawofattraction on August 22, 2007, 10:43 PM NHFT
Ethan, can you give any simple, real world examples that would illustrate how our current capitalist (as opposed to free market) system is harming ordinary people?

Not without a bunch of gobbledeygook that doesn't make sense.


Quote from: CNHT on August 22, 2007, 10:58 PM NHFT
Quote from: EthanAllen on August 22, 2007, 10:30 PM NHFT
Maybe you should get out more often and explore the world and our unique individualist anarchist tradition here in the US which fits into the broader left-libertarian framework.

I'm not into anarchy or 'leftist' anything. I'm not for camel's noses no matter what side they purport to be from.

mutualism as a radical decentralist philosophy is closely aligned with some aspects of the traditionalist and libertarian wings of the modern conservative movement. Richard Weaver and Russell Kirk were deeply suspicious of northern industrial capitalism and finance (what Weaver called "paper" property) because it destroyed traditional families living in healthy communities.


Quote from: CNHT on August 22, 2007, 11:11 PM NHFT
Quote from: lawofattraction on August 22, 2007, 10:43 PM NHFT
Ethan, can you give any simple, real world examples that would illustrate how our current capitalist (as opposed to free market) system is harming ordinary people?

Not without a bunch of gobbledeygook that doesn't make sense.


You remind me of another dilettante I once knew who just dabbled in various field of knowledge. Just like you, she seemed to react to what she was against without any true understanding of the complexities but could only superficially articulate what she was for.